Looking for free Sign Language resources? Check out our list of recommended websites to help you practise or learn BSL.
BSL is incredibly popular right now. We know that finding BSL websites that help you practise what you have learned, (or learn for free) are hard to find. Here is our list of sites that we recommend to our BSL students:
Table of Contents
- Looking for free Sign Language resources? Check out our list of recommended websites to help you practise or learn BSL.
- 1. BSL SignBank:
- 2. BSL Corpus Project
- 3. Sign BSL
- 4. Spread the Sign
- 5. Dot Sign language
- 6. Mobilesign
- 7. BSL Curriculum
- 8. BSL Zone
- Conclusion:
1. BSL SignBank:

BSL SignBank is a great resource for anyone learning sign language. You can practice fingerspelling and look up a wide variety of signs. There is also a link to the BSL Corpus Project (see below) which has numerous video clips of Deaf people using BSL.
2. BSL Corpus Project

BSL Corpus Project is a fantastic website for people already learning BSL. Practising certain aspects of sign language can be difficult. If you are doing accredited qualifications, you will need to practise your receptive skills. This site provides a wide selection of video clips showing native ‘Deaf voices’ from across the UK. This website is great for improving your understanding of sign language and learning regional signs.
3. Sign BSL

Sign BSL is another sign language dictionary that has thousands of clips on the site. There is an app you can download too. This website also allows people to upload their own version of a sign.
4. Spread the Sign

We love Spread the Sign as the site serves as an international sign language dictionary. So you can learn a number of signed languages – we just hope you don’t get the languages mixed up!
5. Dot Sign language

The tutors from DOT Sign Language (in partnership with Surrey University) have created a website with free Sign Language resources for anyone who wants to learn the basics of BSL. It is a great resource with quizzes to check your understanding.
6. Mobilesign

Mobilesign can be used to learn BSL on the move. The app is free and gives you access to thousands of signs. A great app if you are on a long journey and need to pass the time.
7. BSL Curriculum

The Scottish Sensory Centre is a fantastic Sign Language resource for practising new signs. The site has glossaries for a range of school curriculum subjects. You can find signs for a range of topics such as Maths, Science and Geography. This site is great if you are preparing a presentation for one of your sign language assessments.
8. BSL Zone
BSL Zone commissions TV programmes in BSL – their programmes are made by Deaf people for Deaf people. Lots of their programmes are signed and have captions too. We recommend BSL Zone to our Level 3 students because the site offers insight into Deaf Culture.
We could add many more website resources for practising sign language, to our list. However, these sites have been chosen for their accessible video content which is essential for learning a visual language.
If you prefer to use books rather than websites, you can check out our list of books we recommend to our students.
Of course, nothing beats attending a structured BSL course. Learning and using sign language are two very different skills – how else are you going to put those fantastic signing skills you learn into practice? Attending a structured course enables you to check that you can put all the elements of sign language together in a coherent fashion so you can actually communicate with someone who is deaf. BSL classes are also a great way to make new friends and start a potential new career path too.
We hope you enjoy visiting the free sign language sites that are on offer. Feel free to share with friends and family who might want to learn too and don’t forget to check out our list of recommended sign language courses!